Model frameworks

There is one vanilla multi-view autoencoder framework, the AE model. The remaining models can be grouped into adversarial and variational models which are models regularised by matching the aggregate or marginal encoding distributions, respectively, to a prior distribution. The figure below shows the frameworks for the (a) vanilla autoencoder (b) adversarial autoencoder and (c) variational autoencoder for a single view.

autoencoder models

The figure below shows the adversarial and variational groupings of models within the multi-view-AE framework.

model grouping 1

When extending autoencoders to multiple views, we can assume two latent models. The figure below shows the latent model for (a) a coordinated model which assumes separate latents for each view which are associated with each other and (b) a joint model which assumes a shared latent across views for data X and Y.

latent models