Limitations and user implementations

There are a number of limitations and allowed parameter combinations within the multi-view-AE framework. These restrictions are set in the multiviewae/base/ file and will need to be updated should the user wish to add their own implementations. Allowed parameter types are also set in the multiviewae/base/ file.

Limitations and allowed parameter combinations

Distribution classes

It should be noted that currently the multivariate normal class, multiviewae.base.distributions.MultivariateNormal, implements a multivariate gaussian with a diagonal covariance matrix. Further work will involve implementing a multivariate normal class where the off-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix can be specified or learnt.

Encoder distribution

The multiviewae.base.distributions.Default class must be used for the vanilla autoencoder and adversarial autoencoder implementations where no distribution is specified.

Either the multiviewae.base.distributions.Normal or multiviewae.base.distributions.MultivariateNormal classes must be used for variational models.

For adversarial autoencoders with gaussian posterior, i.e. gaussian encoding distributions, the multiviewae.base.distributions.Normal or multiviewae.base.distributions.MultivariateNormal classes can be used if their are coupled with a variational encoder architecture, e.g. multiviewae.architectures.mlp.VariationalEncoder.

Encoder and prior distribution combinations

Currently, the encoder distribution must be the same as the prior distribution.

Models which support CNN architectures

Many of the autoencoder models in the multi-view-AE support CNN encoder and decoder network architectures. The JMVAE and MMVAE models do not currently support these architectures. This will be addressed in further work.

Adding user designed classes

Users are able to implement their own network architectures, datamodules, datasets and distributions. This should cover the majority of classes the user should wish to edit and offers lots of flexibility when implementing a model. For any other classes, users must have access to the source code and the class must be added to the supported classes in the multiviewae/base/ file.

User designed network architectures

User designed MLP network classes must be implemented in a file and named one of; Encoder, VariationalEncoder, Decoder, and VariationalDecoder depending on the network type. CNN network classes must be implemented in a file and named one of; Encoder, VariationalEncoder, and Decoder depending on the network type.

Networks must except and return the same parameters as the respective multi-view-AE counterpart. For example, variational encoder networks must return mu and logvar in the form of a Torch.tensor. Please see the Architectures section for information on input and output parameters of encoder and decoder networks.

Implemented classes must have a forward method.

User designed datamodules and datasets

User designed datamodules must implement a setup method, a train_dataloader method and a val_dataloader method and must accept the same parameters as the multi-view-AE counterpart. The datamodule class name must end in DataModule. User designed datasets must implement a __getitem__ method and must accept the same parameters as the multi-view-AE counterpart. The dataset class name must end in Dataset. NOTE User implemented datasets must also provide a is_path_ds parameter to indicate whether the input data is a path to the data for the data to be loaded when the __getitem__ method is called or whether the data is stored in memory.

User designed distributions

User designed distributions must implement a log_likelihood and _sample method.